Sunday, May 11, 2008

Konnichiwa Minna-san!

My very first post. WOW.

Why am I doing this blog?

Answer: I want to have a keepsake for all the dramas that I've been watching, I want others to know my review of it, and in the same way it may want them to watch it. IN SHORT: I'm a drama otaku.

I haven't watched that much, since you know there are tons of dramas out there, but I can say that I'm not a noob on Asian Dramas. lol

Japanese. Taiwanese and Korean - these three are my favorites. I don't like my own country's dramas, somehow it doesn't interest me (gomen ne).

This is not a personal blog, as stated in my header, it's purely entertainment.

After this post, I'll be posting the reviews that I've made for the dramas that I've watched since October 12, 2007, any dramas before that date, I guess I can't make a review, gosh it's so tedious to backtrack to all the series that I've watched, maybe i'll just list all the dramas that I've seen. Those reviews were posted on my multiply blog, i'll just import it here, will also add the date.

You'll find most of my posts in english, but there are some in Tagalog (native languange).

Comments and criticisms are welcome. If you want to ask questions, feel free to do so. Please Please do comment, everytime I see one I'm so overcome with happiness.

If you want to know more about me, visit my multiply site.

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